At Messiah, no one travels alone. We believe in taking time each day to study the Bible on our own, but we also believe it’s important to come together with others throughout the week to study the Bible together. Our prayer is that through this group Bible study time, you’ll grow closer in your relationship with God, as well grow closer in your relationships with your family in Christ.
LukeSunday Morning (ALL) | Luke
9:15 am, Family Life Center
We will walk with Jesus through the Gospel of Luke.
The God You May Not KnowMonday Morning (MEN) | The God You May Not Know
6:30 am, Fireside Room
Our personalities inevitably form to our gods, so when we worship inferior gods we become like our idols. It can be hard to know the Almighty God, but knowing Him can change our daily lives. David Jeremiah will help us get to know our eternal God, for He alone is worthy of all praise!
LifeLight: GenesisTuesday Morning (ALL) | LifeLight: Genesis
9:30 am, Fireside Room
LifeLight Bible study is a series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, participants will grow in their faith and knowledge of the Word. The topic for this next 9 weeks is the book of Genesis. Cost is $15.00 for the workbook.
No CondemnationSaturday Morning (MEN) | No Condemnation
7:00 am, Fireside Room
Opening with the bold declaration that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, Romans 8 is a source of great comfort for every Christian. From beginning to end, it reminds us that nothing can separate the children of God from His love. In this twelve-part teaching series, Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas shares his insights regarding this stunning passage of Scripture verse by verse and explains why he considers it to be the greatest chapter in the entire Bible.