One of the ways God blesses us is by working through us. Browse Messiah’s volunteer opportunities and find the one that fits your gifts and interest.

Music: Instrument player and/or singer for our praise team-led weekend worship services. Youth 13+ and adults welcome.

Ushers: Greet and welcome incoming worshipers, assist during worship (bulletin handout, lighting altar candles, attendance)

Sound: Operate as a sound tech during worship for in-house and live stream, as well as praise team practices. Responsible for controlling sound board that corresponds to all mics, instruments, and media during worship. Training provided. Ages 12 and up.

PowerPoint: Operate our weekend worship Power points for in house presentation projection screens and live stream.

Readers: Read 2-3 Scripture lessons during a weekend service.

Live Stream Camera Operator: Control and operate live stream camera control board during our live streamed service. Training provided.

Contact Brandon for more information or if interested:

Special Note: Any adult (of any age) is encouraged to help with these positions. You do not need to be a parent of a child currently in these programs or be a parent at all to help out. We encourage intergenerational learning and love when members volunteer their time to connect with these students. The students benefit greatly from having other faith role models outside of their parents to walk alongside them in faith!


Sunday School Teachers: Help teach and lead a Sunday School classroom from September-May on Sunday mornings during education hour (9:15-10:15 am). Sunday School teachers are crucial to our kids ministry as they will build relationships with students, teach about Jesus and Scripture, carry out fun and engaging activities, and model faith to our kids.

Sunday School Substitute Teachers: Be available to fill in for our usual Sunday School teachers when needed. We know that life happens, family time is needed, and sickness comes up, so we need Sunday School subs to be ready to serve our kids when their teachers need help.

Sunday School Special Events/Projects: There are various events throughout the year involving Sunday School kids and families that need many helping hands. Some of these include Rally Sunday, Trunk or Treat, the Kids Christmas Service, Vacation Bible School, and any service projects we do throughout the year.

Kids WOW Leaders: On Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30 pm, we have a class called Kids WOW (WOW for “Word on Wednesday”) while older students are in confirmation or high school youth. During this time, kids go through a lesson about Scripture, do crafts, have gym time, and do other fun activities. In order to run this class, we need volunteers who are willing to lead.


Sunday School Teachers: Help teach and lead a Sunday School classroom from September-May on Sunday mornings during education hour (9:15-10:15 am). Sunday School teachers are crucial to our middle school ministry as they will build relationships with students, teach about Jesus, Scripture, and faith/life issues, carry out fun and engaging activities, and model faith to our middle schoolers.

Confirmation Pizza & Pop Servers: On Wednesday evenings we offer pizza & pop available for purchase from 5:45-6:15 pm. This is helpful for our parents who may be coming in from work and for students who may be coming in from practice or after-school programs. Pizza and pop helpers are needed to serve the food and drinks, to count money and administer change, to track the number of pizzas eaten, and to clean up the kitchen/upper commons when done.

Confirmation Small Group Leaders: Each confirmation group (5th-8th grades) spends time in small groups most Wednesday evenings. We rely on small group leaders to build relationships with students, lead discussions, talk through highs and lows, lead prayer time, engage students in faith activities, and be a strong role model in faith to our students.

Confirmation/Middle School Special Events/Projects: There are various events throughout the year involving Confirmation/middle school students and families that need many helping hands. Some of these include Rally Sunday, Trunk or Treat, the Confirmation Winter Retreat, middle school lock-in, service trips, and any service projects we do throughout the year.


Sunday & Wednesday Class Leaders: Help teach and lead high school students in the youth room from September-May on Sunday mornings during education hour (9:15-10:15 am) or Wednesday evenings from 6:15-7:30 pm. These leaders are crucial to our high school ministry as they will build relationships with students, teach about Jesus, Scripture, and faith/life issues, carry out fun and engaging activities, and model faith to our high schoolers.

High School Special Events/Projects: There are various events throughout the year involving high school students and families that need many helping hands. Some of these include Rally Sunday, Trunk or Treat, the annual Grand Marais trip, holiday events, Lenten meals, high school lock-in, service trips, and any service projects we do throughout the year.

Contact Andy for more information or if interested:

Small Groups: work with Andy to lead small groups

Bible Study Teacher: work with Andy to lead a Bible study

Contact Andy for more information or if interested:

Leadership (Elders/Council): when positions are open, these are elected positions that are voted on by the congregation

Welcome Center: stand at the Welcome Center to greet visitors and answer questions they have

Coffee Server: pick up donuts, prepare coffee, ensure coffee pots stay full, clean up after during the Education Hour on Sunday Mornings

Care Team: work with the pastor to make sure those who need extra support are called and visited

Altar Guild: decorate the church when needed, make sure the proper linens are being used, prepare for communion, etc.

LWML: bake sale, college ministry, assist with funeral meals, etc.

Church Maintenance & Grounds: help maintain the church and grounds: mowing, trimming hedges, shoveling, etc. If you want to do something around the church or on church grounds, contact Don.

Photography Team: take photos at special events, but also during everyday happenings at Messiah for use on our website and social media. You can use your phone if you’d like to be involved but don’t have a camera.

Office Admin: assist with special projects in the office, answer phones if there are days/times when staff are out or busy, etc.

Food Shelf: stock shelves, food rescue, assist clients

I Don’t Know (we’ll help you find a place!)

For more information or if you’re interested, please contact the church office: