Worship | 8:00 & 10:30 am in the Sanctuary
Men’s Bible Study | 9:00 am in the Fireside Room
Handbells | 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary
Men’s Basketball | 8:00 pm in the Family Life Center (if you’re new to basketball, please contact Andy – andy@messiahonline.org – to make sure it’s still on for the evening as they periodically cancel)
Pizza & Pop | 5:45 pm in the Family Life Center
Confirmation/WOW! | 6:15 pm: see TV screens for room assignments
Adult Bible Studies/Small Groups | 6:15 pm: see TV screens for room assignments
Men’s Basketball | 8:00 pm in the Family Life Center (if you’re new to basketball, please contact Andy – andy@messiahonline.org – to make sure it’s still on for the evening as they periodically cancel)
Worship | 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary
Men’s Bible Study | 7:00 am in the Fireside Room
Women’s Pilates | 10:00 am in the Lower Commons (on hold until spring/summer)
Men’s Basketball | 7:00 am in the Family Life Center (if you’re new to basketball, please contact Andy – andy@messiahonline.org – to make sure it’s still on for the evening as they periodically cancel)
These events happen once a month. Visit the linked page for more information and take a look at our calendar to confirm the date and time.
Prime-Timers (for those 65+) | Meets approximately once a month for various activities
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) | Meets at 6:29 pm the second Thursday of the month in the Fireside Room
Lydia’s Circle (part of the LWML) | Meets at 1:30 pm the third Tuesday of the month in the Fireside Room
Blood Drives through the Red Cross | We regularly host blood drives with the Red Cross. To search on their website, use sponsor code: messiah